Okoboji Youth Basketball Association (OYBA) The Okoboji School system and basketball program is really blessed to have such a great nucleus of coaches and a system in place designed to really build the children through team work and skill building. OYBA has put together a board and a mission that is really great for the kids and is designed to develop the kids to prepare them for High School Basketball. Each winter, OYBA puts out teams ranging from 3rd grade up to 8th grade, both girls teams and boys teams. I am one of the coaches for the 5th grade girls team, we have 24 kids out for basketball, for such a small class, those numbers are amazing. We put together 3 traveling teams and each of our teams is signed up for 5 tournaments this winter season, the kids love it. Whether you are new to town or have been here for a long time, if you have kids going to the Okoboji School system and want to play some ball, check out the website, call one of the board members or give me a call and I'll point you in the right direction.

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